Preparing for the Next War

The New Individualist April 2007 “Perhaps there is no great point in recalling all the tragic and idiotic blunders, all the false optimism, all the unrealism of the first phases of the war, but it is not possible to appreciate fully the heroism of the Security Forces unless the stupidities of some of those in…

Depoliticizing Crime and Decriminalizing Politics

TCS Daily March 23, 2007 The recent flap over the Bush Administration’s firing of eight U.S. attorneys has demonstrated the escalation of two related and unfortunate trends in American politics: the politicization of crime and the criminalization of politics. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other Administration officials have contended that the firings were for “performance”…

Following Al Gore’s Example for Energy Use

TCS Daily February 27, 2007 There’s a never-ending discussion on the Internets about Al Gore’s massive consumption of energy while simultaneously traveling the world proclaiming that Earth is in the balance because man is using so danged much energy. The most recent iteration of this kerfuffle was sparked by a release from an obscure think tank that…

Nick Saban’s Pay is Inconsequential

Tuscaloosa News January 14, 2007 The University of Alabama has lured Nick Saban away from the NFL’s Miami Dolphins to be its new head football coach, reportedly signing him to an eight year, $32 million dollar deal. This salary, easily the most ever paid for a college coach, is raising some eyebrows. For example, CNN…

Teddy Kennedy, Congress, and the Surge,

Human Events January 10, 2007 Senator Edward Kennedy yesterday outlined in a speech to the National Press Club and a column at the Huffington Post his arguments for a bill to “prohibit the use of funds for an escalation of United States Forces in Iraq above the numbers existing as of January 9, 2007″ absent specific congressional authority to…

Crimson with Envy: Why Nick Saban Makes More Than Your Kid’s Teacher

TCS Daily January 9, 2007 The University of Alabama has lured Nick Saban away from the NFL’s Miami Dolphins to be its new head football coach, reportedly signing him to an eight year, $32 million dollar deal. This salary, easily the most ever paid for a college coach, is raising some eyebrows. For example, CNN…

Time For the Commission to Ban Commissions

Washington Examiner December 6, 2006 Washington is eagerly awaiting the report from the Iraq Study Group to point the way out of the war in Iraq. Sure, there are tens of thousands of years of professional military experience at the Pentagon with every incentive in the world to get things right. But what do they know…

How About a Commission to End Commissions?

TCS Daily December 4, 2006 Washington is eagerly awaiting the report from the Iraq Study Group, headed by former Bush 41 Secretary of State James Baker and Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton, to point the way out of the war in Iraq. Sure, there are tens of thousands of years of professional military experience at the…

How Republicans Can Get Back on Track

Human Events November 10, 2006 Washington Examiner editorial board chief Mark Tapscott sums things up pretty nicely: “When Republicans worry more about staying in government than about limiting government, they get thrown out of government.” I disagree, however, with his long range forecast:  “Frankly, I doubt that the GOP can change enough to avoid a…

The Most Important Culture War

TCS Daily October 17, 2006 Next month, the Army and Marine Corps will unveil a revised counterinsurgency manual scheduled which incorporates lessons learned in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Thomas Barnett, author of two best-selling books on military strategy, summarizes its core principles: 1) The more you protect your force, the less secure you are (If military…